The call for papers is now closed. Thank you for the submitted abstracts!
We invite abstract submissions for oral presentations or posters, devoted to natural language semantics, super semantics, pragmatics, philosophy of language, and psycholinguistic investigations related to meaning. Submissions on the semantics of under-represented languages or phenomena are welcome.
Abstracts should contain original research that, at the time of submission, has neither been published nor accepted for publication. At most two submissions per (co-)author are allowed and only one may be single-authored.
Submissions must be anonymous and must not reveal the identities of the authors in any form. Abstracts should fit two pages (letter size or A4 paper, 2.54cm or 1 inch margins on all sides, 12 point font, Times New Roman), with an additional third page used *exclusively* for the following elements: references (obligatory), large figures or tables, and as many lines of the body of the abstract as there are lines of glosses and translations in non-English glossed examples. Examples (glossed or not) should be interspersed in the text, rather than collected at the end. Abstracts must be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair by Sunday 3 April 2022 (23:59 Central European Standard Time):
Important dates
If you have any questions or need additional information, feel free to contact or